What to know about unusual curls L, M, L+
As we all know , the eyelash extension treatment is developing very dynamically. From year to year, there are new trends that stylist and clients love. It should also be mentioned that the world is dominated by unusual curls which are becoming more and more popular.
Among the standard curls, L, M, L+ crept some time ago and this is what they are about today. At this point, then, the question arises, What is so special about them? So let's start with their base - what distinguishes them is straight leg ( base of the extension) which in case of an L curl is characterized by a strong twist angle resembling the letter L , on the other hand, a milder, softer in case of an M curl. These curls are mostly used to open the eye to the maximum, which is most beneficial for ladies with a drooping eyelid. Lash stylist around the world most often use these curls when performing effects such as Eyeliner or Fox.
Work with these curls is very pleasant and does not require special training to be able to work on them , but some academies offer such trainings. Applications made with unusal curls will look beautiful and eye catchy on the eye, however they can be combined with other curls. For the smoothest transition it is safest to combine L or M with B or C curls.
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